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Ivy Agbozo

7 Steps to Maintaining a Clean Washroom at the Workplace

Have you ever witnessed the case where you went to the washroom at your workplace and realised it was a mess? You probably were fighting a stomach upset at the time and were confronted with the dilemma of choosing between using the place despite its sordid state or walking away in spite of the call from your stomach. I know I can relate. I wouldn’t want you to have such an experience so let’s talk about how to maintain the washroom in our various workplaces so the next person after us can also use the place.

1. WIPE THE SEAT OF THE WC Most workplaces have a water closet in their washrooms and yours might have one as well. Try as much as possible to wipe the seat of the closet with a tissue moist with a disinfectant so it can disinfect the seat before you use it.

2. POUR A DROP OF DISINFECTANT INTO THE BOWL OF THE WC Before you attempt to sit on it, make sure to pour a drop of disinfectant, preferably Dettol, into the bowl of the WC. If there isn’t any disinfectant available, I suppose your hand sanitizer can suffice, though that isn’t its use.

3. SIT, RATHER THAN SQUAT, ON THE SEAT Well, this is probably general knowledge, right? Please do not under any circumstance squat on the seat of the WC. It is highly inappropriate. You should be able to sit on it if you followed the previous instructions.

4. FLUSH AFTER USE Kindly do not make the next person feel disgusted, having to see your waste when they visit the place. Kindly flush after you use it. If the water isn’t running, kindly lock the place and get some water to flush it. You’ll be helping yourself, and the next person when you do that.

5. LEAVE THE WC OPENED Do not close the WC. Keep it open so it doesn’t get stuffy in there.

6. WIPE ANY WATER ON THE FLOOR Your washroom should have a mop, so you should be able to wipe any water that spills there before you take leave of the place.

7. SPRAY THE WASHROOM WITH AN AIR FRESHENER You may have an air freshener in the washroom, right? So do well to spray the place with it before you leave so the fruits of your waste do not come hitting someone else hard.

How awesome it would be if everyone at the office followed these steps when they use the washroom.

Do not forget to wash your hands after you’re done using the place!

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